The Soul of Grieving

[Photo credit: Pixabay]

I lost of my beautiful mother on July 27th 2021, and I find myself in a profoundly transitional time. A time where I am re-valuing everything in my life.

Sometimes the unexpected happens when grieving the loss of someone so important in your life.

After her passing, I started going through a lot of old photo albums. I cleared out all my closets and went through every single photo in my entire home, re-living some very interesting moments from my childhood, my teenage years, my 20’s, 30’s… It’s been an interesting journey back in time…

It feels very much like a life review. When you cross to the other side, you spend a period of time doing what’s called a life review. You re-live your entire life. Every interaction and experience you’ve ever had, you re-live. You see it all through the eye of your soul, through the prism your infinite consciousness. Every aspect of the now moments are re-lived, and re-viewed through the spectrum of an unlimited dimension.

You see with love and detachment. You understand at the soul level what lessons you’ve learned and what lessons you still need to work on.

Immediately after my mother passed away, I had the sense that, instead of her being in only one place on this earth, in her body and in her apartment, I had the strong feeling that she was now everywhere in the Universe.

I was watching a beautiful video by Eckhart Tolle where he said something that makes the most sense to me:

The form obscures God

And the death of the from enables God

The formless shines through

where there was form

That is what happens at the spiritual level. Through the death of the form – the body, the person who passes – Spirit shines through. The light shines through. The formless part connected to the form… shines through.

During the life review that occurs after losing someone dear to us, what begins to happen in the grieving process is a combination of this connection with the formless part of our form, the spirit part that is connected to our body and our life, and the new insights this perspective gives us. This shifts us when we look at our entire life as a whole existence.

There are many gifts that come with grieving. Grieving is a very difficult, challenging, hard thing to go through, but at the same time there are some beautiful gifts that can come from it.

One of the gifts is that our heart is so open, so vulnerable, that this opens a spiritual doorway towards true surrender and trust in a power greater than ourselves.

Through my own grieving, I was gifted a beautiful insight and vision. I experienced my own immortal self, my ageless self, my timeless, limitless spirit.

These gifts can directly help to heal what you didn’t know needed healing. Things like self-esteem, comparing yourself to others, or certain false values being exposed. You start seeing that what you thought mattered to you, whether it’s possessions, success, financial abundance, or even how others view you, these begin to be put into a spiritual context.

In the grieving process, that open-heart vulnerability brings to light what truly matters to you.

Every soul is different. Every human being is different. This is a great opportunity to reassess life with a new view. With new eyes. With fresh perspectives.

This can be very challenging as it may trigger the beginning of a spiritual awakening. Through the deep pain of loss, heart opening, vulnerability and life review, as well as through this new connection to the limitless soul now being felt after the death of a loved-one, a profound shift can feel like the shattering of your former life.

While there’s no denying that saying goodbye at the physical level is profoundly painful, there are also great gifts that come the moment the formless can be fully experienced, when a cherished loved-one has transitioned. There are spiritual gifts that can come from the depth of the grieving experience.

For me, the greatest gift that came from that, is feeling that connection with my mother at a much deeper, infinite level.

She truly is everywhere, at all times, now.

What I retain most from my photo album life-review, is the profound gifts that come from being present. Truly present. Present to this moment. Fully taking in the life that is being experienced with every cherished being that we love.

Only in the present moment can we experience the spirit in the body, the fullness of our loved-ones. To be present to another is the greatest gift we can give them.

As they transition, that spirit connection and presence we had during their life will be the greatest gift that lives on forever in our heart and soul.

And this is where my beautiful mother’s spirit now lives… forever in my soul.

©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved
Photo credit: Pixabay from Pexels

[Spoken video version of this post on my YouTube channel]

Today’s Soul Whisper: A Phoenix in Waiting


A bird’s eye view


on a day’s walk
the winds of change
exhale defeat

standing still
is our fate

and yet…

through the soul’s eyes
the stillness rises,
a Phoenix
in waiting

its dawn still bright


©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved
Photo credit: Flo Maderebner from Pexels



Today’s soul whisper: The soul of self-isolation.


The soul of solitude


One of the challenges of this time of self-isolation is that it is easy to bypass this unique  opportunity we all have for inner-growth.

I’m specifically speaking about soul-growth.

As a human species, we are here to be human. To be present. To experience our human life through the spectrum of this earthly existence.

Yet our soul is also here, observing, accepting, and loving through its prism of infinite consciousness.

As in all else on this 3D plane, we can very quickly fall back into the comparison game. The social media game. Who is doing what during this time of self-isolation. What’s trending on the video platforms. What’s on Netflix.

As our soul observes, accepts and loves us unconditionally from its realm of vast consciousness, it waits. Patiently. Gently. Lovingly.

Will we awaken or will we remain asleep?

The inevitability of seeing our true reflections while in the confines of our homes can create an emotional discomfort unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before.

We can continue to escape through whatever is trending, or we can stop and face ourselves, face our emotions, face our deep discomforts and fears.

It’s no secret that the true prison we find ourselves in is the one within our minds and hearts. Our thoughts are still what dictates how we live through these times.

Yet, our soul is also here, patiently waiting for us to awaken to its presence and heart-promptings, as it whispers,

I am here.

I am listening.

I am observing.

I am accepting.

I am loving.

I can help.

If you pause to listen to the silence,

I will whisper your own inner wisdom to you.

I am YOU.

The unique times we are in is our unique opportunity to align ourselves with our soul, here for its own soulevolution.

This is a unique opportunity to go within and heal what we cannot escape from: ourselves.

By opening up to our soul consciousness, we can begin to navigate our human journey through out soul’s perspective.

It is up to us what we do in our self-isolation.

Will we continue to escape through what has always been, or will we pause to listen for the soul-whispers?

Will we remain asleep, or will we awaken to the heart of our soul-journey…?


©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved
Photo credit: Ray Bilcliff from


Michèle voices this blog-post on her YouTube channel:




Today’s soul whisper: The love between each breath



reawakened love


there is a space
within each breath
where life begins


where energy sparks
a heart to


between each breath
souls connect

between the ebb and flow of
breathing tides

love is this moment

time stops
a soul whispers

the heart

to new horizons
and the dawn of a new



©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved

Michèle voices her poem in an inspiring video:


– Michèle 💖

Photo credit: Seashore Under White and Blue Sky during Sunset by Pixabay

The metaphysical garden of change


When I was 9 years old, I spontaneously astral-projected and found myself suddenly experiencing infinite fields of energy within an atom, within what is commonly referred to as the 99.99…% “space” within each atom.

During this metaphysical travel, I experienced an infinite amount of potential energy fields within each atom, fields that can become actualized by our consciousness and focus.

This left an indelible mark on my soul and on my comprehension of the energies involved in the evolution of consciousness.

Where I live in the eastern regions of Canada, I see the metaphysics of change as being similar to what happens during the change of seasons, when everything not only comes back to life, but when the yearly ritual of building our summer garden takes place.

Gardening is a lot like building a new field of consciousness, a new field of energy, where we are co-creating a new existence with a power greater than ourselves.

What is currently happening globally is a change of energetic season. We are still vibrating in the old consciousness, while also vibrating in the frequencies of a new consciousness. Upheaval and resistance is a normal part of all change.

As we journey towards a new higher consciousness, we may imagine this to be an enchanting voyage. Yet, the old consciousness will resist change and fight for its survival. We must do what is called “shadow work” to both create, and fully exist within the new vibratory field of this new consciousness. What this shadow work consists of is letting what was once hidden from us rise to the surface to be embraced, loved and healed. This is true for individuals as well as the world at large.

In the garden analogy, to build a new garden we need to have a vision, believe in our vision and feel excited at what we are building.

Yet for our vision to come to life, we need to accept the messy situation that exists in the garden as it is.

We need to have an honest assessment of where we are at right now.

And we need to focus all of our energy into what we are creating.

Nothing brings this more into sharp focus like a change of season, change being the key word.

As we clean up our garden following a harsh winter, many plants and flowers will need to be cared for, pruned, branches cut, trees trimmed back. This can be painstaking but it is a necessary part of rebuilding our garden as nature comes back to life.

If all we see or experience is the arduous task of getting our hands dirty or all the back breaking digging needed to be done, we can be assured that the experience will be a negative one.

Yet… our vision for our garden, our belief in our vision and the excitement for it are still intact.

Whether the experience of creating our vision is positive or negative, this is not what matters. The focus is still on creating a new garden.

And metaphysically speaking, this is akin to focusing on a new consciousness.

On the positive side, focusing on a beautiful rose, brings joy.

On the negative side, focusing on the rose bush attacking us with its sharp thorns, brings  pain.

Yet both are part of the garden.

Both are necessary to build a beautiful garden.



In our daily life, when someone is rude for instance, we can focus on the other person’s rudeness, look to blame them for all of our reactions, and maybe start looking for validation of our feelings through talking to others who also know this person, perhaps even going on YouTube looking for videos on how rude people are narcissists or have some sort of personality disorder.

On and on it goes, never going anywhere, never changing the vibration of the situation at all.

In the rose analogy, we can focus on the beautiful flower and protect ourselves from the rosebush’s sharp attacks by wearing gloves and protective clothing.

Consciousness is really wherever we are, right now. If we want to awaken and experience greater consciousness, it won’t be a journey without work. Change is not easy. It will feel hard at times, it will feel lonely. We will feel lost at times too. But if we can remember that we are building a new consciousness, a new field of energy with our vision, belief and excitement of what we are creating, then our consciousness shifts much more easily.

When we accept that we will need to get our hands dirty and unearth weeds, old dead leaves, cut dead branches that no longer produce any flowers, then one day we will wake up to a whole new consciousness, in a whole new field of energy, feeling like a whole new person, because we made the conscious choice to create a whole new world for ourselves and for the entire universe.

And we do this by opening up to a consciousness of co-creation with a power greater than ourselves.

Going back to the garden analogy, as we work in the garden, we become aware of a power greater than ourselves, one that is creating these incredible miracles of life. It humbles us. It helps us to marvel at the vastness of all that we aren’t yet conscious of. All that is going on and changing whether we accept it or not. The reality of the change of seasons happens whether we go with the flow or not.

So when feeling lost, lonely, isolated, unmotivated, uninterested in what used to interest us, know that this too shall pass. Change is inevitable. Our consciousness, our soul, our heart will always be tugging at our free-will for us to choose to continue going forward into the new vibrational field, into this new world we are all co-creating together. We are all part of this new wave and our new garden, our new consciousness, is as close to us what we choose to focus on.

We can choose to stay in the old consciousness and focus, or we can choose to go forward by focusing on a new greater consciousness we are co-creating with the Universe.

The change is here.

We have the free-will to choose acceptance, or resistance of this change. But our acceptance or resistance does not stop the flow of change.

A new season is upon us.

We can choose to be brave, be strong, be loving, be forgiving and be free.

It is up to us individually, and collectively.

Our new garden awaits us.


– Michèle 💖
photo & writing ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved


Video version of this article on my YouTube channel:

Today’s soul whisper: let the soul awaken through the heart 💖

photo of person walking on deserted island

Photo by Tom Swinnen on


The soul
cannot live
in this body
without the heart

It can breathe
it can observe
it can touch

But it cannot live
in this body
through the heart



– Michèle 💖
©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved


Today’s Soul Whisper: the here & now of inner healing

How to read your energy field’s frequency, to heal from within & transform your life.

In this video I show you how to read your life, exactly as it is, here and now, as the book of who you are. I go into how you can find the key to inner healing by accepting the clues your life gives you.

Sending love & light.
Michèle 💖xo

Spoken word video: Dare to Dream Your Beautiful Dream


(This is a previously posted poem set to spoken word, music and images)


Dare To Dream Your Beautiful Dream

How brave we are to dream.
To dream what seems
an impossible dream.

It takes courage to dream.
To believe in our dream.
To listen to our heart.
To hear our soul.
To walk our journey
towards the unknown.

Our dream wants change,
pushes discomfort
and asks for action.

It needs love,
it needs patience
and requires faith.

Faith in ourselves.
Faith in the Universe.
Faith in our vision.
Faith in our heart.
Faith in our soul
and faith in our dream.

We may want to run.
We may want to stop.
We may want to scream
and we may want to quit.

Rest if we must,
but we must never stop.

Never stop believing.
Never give up your dream.

Be daring.
Be brave.
Be you.

And one day,
in a single heartbeat,
your beautiful dream
comes true.


– Michèle 💖
©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved