Today’s Soul Whisper: the here & now of inner healing

How to read your energy field’s frequency, to heal from within & transform your life.

In this video I show you how to read your life, exactly as it is, here and now, as the book of who you are. I go into how you can find the key to inner healing by accepting the clues your life gives you.

Sending love & light.
Michèle 💖xo

Indie Blu(e) Publishing Announces the Release of We Will Not Be Silenced

I am so honored and humbled to be a part of this incredible project. An essay I penned on my experiences during my modeling days is being published in this anthology. So proud to be one voice among the many who will not be silenced.

From Indie Blu(e) Publishing in the US.

Please consider making a purchase: From the editors “70% of the royalties raised above the publishing and promotion costs will be donated to organizations that provide services to sexual harassment and sexual assault survivors.”

Purchasing links: Amazon CanadaAmazon US
(I will officially be a published writer!!! 💖💕🤗 Dreams do come true!!!)
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We Will Not Be Silenced: The Lived Experience of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Told Powerfully Through Poetry, Prose, Essay, and Art is the brainchild of Kindra M. Austin, Candice Louisa Daquin, Rachel Finch, and Christine E. Ray. The four indie writers and survivors felt compelled to do something after the strongly triggering Kavanaugh Confirmation […]

via Indie Blu(e) Publishing Announces the Release of We Will Not Be Silenced — INDIE BLU(E)

Today’s Heart Whisper… letting the heart light the way.

white lighthouse during golden hour

Photo by Ray Bilcliff on




as eyes fixate
on captured sights

fragmented pieces
of pictured strife

chaos reigns

two-dimensional snaps
of a three-dimensional life
trapped by walls of spite

by the bricks that bind
and pain

scraps of fright

in a cloud of hate


a heart gazes
upon what lays
beyond the fume

a house light
setting a glimmering trail
amidst the smouldering clay
and melting stone

calling home


– Michèle 💖
©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved




Sunday’s Heart Whisper… Healing the past by loving the present 🌺


photo of island during golden hour

Photo by Johannes Plenio on

Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.”

Tori Amos


The past still lives in us.

Everything that we are now, everything in our lives now, every detail that surrounds us now are clues as to what needs healing whether we are conscious of it or not.

Every moment is a potential opportunity to heal.

We may not be aware of how we resist what needs healing, how we deny it, or how we give it power. We live in its pain by fearing it or by refusing to journey through it to the other side, towards healing.

Yet… healing the past need not be painful.

Within this present moment exists everything we need for healing – within everything that is manifesting physically, within everything that is felt in the heart, and within everything that is whispered by our spirit.

If we can find the courage and willingness to embrace, and yes even love what we discover, letting go of our resistance to seeing and embracing what is, this will have the miraculous effect of also releasing its pain.

Becoming conscious of all that we are now is the key to healing and transformation.

And we become ready to enter into this path of consciousness and self- love by first finding the willingness to be present to all that we are… now.

We are that powerful.

We are that beautiful.

We are that worthy of our greatest love.

Ask yourself in this moment, “Am I willing to love myself exactly as I am right now?”

A single drop of willingness is all we need.

The most microscopic drop of willingness -– the willingness to love and accept ourselves as we are right now – has the power to move the entire Universe and create miraculous healing.


In love & light,

Michèle 🌺


©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.

(This was a short excerpt adapted from my yet-to-be-published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.)

Thursday’s Heart Whisper… what is your soul whispering?

person on a bridge near a lake

Photo by Simon Migaj on

There is a reason for your being. A mission that you came here to accomplish. … Your mission always involves the things you love.”

– Joseph Campbell


(The following is an excerpt adapted from my yet-to-be-published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.)


The road to get there, here, living our soul-mission, is not an easy one. It involves great commitment, intention, authenticity and integrity. But when it happens, when we are living our passions and our loves, the soul lets us know through an inner serenity, no matter what currents swirl around us.

It is a practice, an allowing, a discovery, a blossoming.

It cannot happen without our full participation and willingness. We cannot live our passion and love without first making the conscious decision and choice to do so. We are responsible for our own happiness and for bringing together all the elements necessary to make it happen.


How do we know we are living our soul-mission?

Our soul lets us know through its inner whispers.


• Our soul lets us know we’ve found our soul-mission by how it comes to life in our body, heart, mind and spirit. Our energetic states begin to vibrate with soul-clarity, where our perceptions are malleable, changeable through the higher frequencies of love, kindness, understanding and compassion.

• Our soul lets us know we are living our soul-mission by how courageous we are, by how willing we are to set strong boundaries that no longer let through the distractors, the toxic invaders, the old destructive habits, the excuses, the blaming or the shaming.

• Our soul lets us know by how empowered we feel to work our way through the ups and downs so that we can emerge on the other side of pain.

• Our soul lets us know by how our faith is tested at every turn, as we remain steadfast in our resolve to heal, change, face the truth of who we are, and believe in ourselves again.

• And our soul lets us know by how connected we feel to others, how we feel a part of our community, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to ask for help when that is what is needed, and being there for others without depleting ourselves through co-dependency, people-pleasing or enabling.


By allowing ourselves to live moments of passion and love, by identifying those moments when our soul is revealing to us that “this is it”, by having the courage to walk our authentic path, and by having the strength to keep going when our faith is wavering, finding solace in our oneness with others, we suddenly find ourselves waking up to our soul-mission, feeling the love and peace we searched for all of our lives.

So… what is your soul whispering?


Wishing you strength, courage and light on your awakening journey.

– Michèle 💖🌟

©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.


Here is a photo of the day I received my Bioenergy practitioner certification, something that could never have happened without listening to my soul’s inner whispers.

Version 2




Friday’s Heart Whisper: Ho-oponopono…

stack of love wooden blocks

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Today’s Heart Whisper:

(The following is a short excerpt adapted from my yet-to-be-published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.)

     Ho’Oponopono is a beautiful Hawaiian prayer recited for miraculous healing. The prayer was originally taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a beloved healer who was designated ‘a living treasure of Hawaii’ in 1983.

     Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a staff psychologist at Hawaii State Hospital and a long- time student of Morrnah Simeona, practiced this prayer on patients at a high-security housing unit for the male criminally insane to miraculous results. He gained notoriety due to the strong documentation he had to back up the cases of patients who were healed. When asked how he had healed so many patients, he replied:

     “I didn’t heal them. I healed the part of myself that created them.

     Although a simple prayer, its effects are extraordinary. I use it often, and I never stop being amazed by its power to heal any situation by bringing me into my heart.


     The Ho’oponopono prayer:

     I love you

     I’m sorry

     Please forgive me

     Thank you


     This prayer creates a beautiful opening for love. With the words I love you, the anger and fear that have built walls around our heart can begin to dissipate. But what this prayer also does is speak to the part of us that is taking responsibility for manifesting what it is we are trying to heal.

     This goes to the core of our co-creative process. If everything, absolutely everything in our lives is a true reflection of what we are creating, then saying I love you and asking for forgiveness while also acknowledging our gratitude for having been forgiven or for becoming aware of what lives in us, this will heal that part of ourselves that created this. And by loving the other… we love ourselves.

     This is the power of love.

     Anytime I feel a need for protection, or whenever I catch myself projecting my judgments onto others, I say this prayer. No one can be expected to be perfect but this prayer can move us into the realm of love, healing and forgiveness no matter what imperfections or character defects are brought to light.

     Practice saying this prayer for a single day, and you will be amazed with the results. 

– Michèle 🌺


(Excerpted/adapted from my yet to be published book)

©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved)


Finding love in a #MeToo watershed moment

MeToo blog pic

(NOTE: Please be advised that the following article deals with #MeToo sensitive subjects that some may find triggering. Please take care of your hearts lovely ones and call a friend or a crisis hotline if you need to reach out. Your heart is beautiful, and tender, and deserves loving care. You are not alone.)


Finding Love in a #MeToo Watershed Moment

By Michèle Duquet


There is something happening… An energetic shift is taking over our collective consciousness. This is it… we think. The moment everything changes… we hope. Each story, opening our hearts a little bit more. Each shared memory, a reminder of how sensitive, breakable and beautiful the human heart truly is.

The dam finally broke under pressure, and the painful truth of days gone by is now bursting through our carefully constructed version of reality.

What we couldn’t feel then, we are feeling now.

Navigating anxious sleepless nights however, waking up at 2:00 am filled with triggered emotions surfacing from long forgotten memories… this is not the #MeToo watershed moment I had in mind.

It’s 2:00am. I wake up in a panic, blood rushing through my veins, my heart pounding in my chest and throat. A memory resurfaces. I’m a 22-year-old model on a location shoot for a big magazine and I’m being groped by the photographer. Out of nowhere he sneaked up on me from behind and shoved both of his hands in my front pockets, reaching down to grope me, uninvited. Unwanted.

But tonight, I’m not shocked or frozen. I am furious. This isn’t the first time I remember this… so why am I so angry tonight, and scared…? I feel panic rising, I feel myself resisting looking at a snapshot emerging from the shadows of my past…

Suddenly I’m 16 and this same photographer rips open my blouse in front of everyone as I stand posing for a jeans ad campaign alongside a lineup of young women also forced to reveal too much cleavage. Click-click-click goes the camera, freeze-framing us in our low-cut blouses and tight jeans for the sheer sexiness of it, the shock of it: the selling of it. I say nothing. I smile for the camera. We all do. I was paid a lot of money to stand there, unbuttoned, in a big jeans billboard campaign. But I was 16. Only 16. I had been violated and thought nothing of it, thought it would seem too prudish of me to say something. I was very successful, had been on many magazine covers. I could’ve said something, but I didn’t. I went into survivor mode. I went into shock. I froze. At other times I’d stood up for myself, was assertive, strong, vocal, but not then. Not at 16. And until this mid-night #MeToo moment, I’d completely forgotten that it was the same photographer who had assaulted me 6 years later.

Yet here it is decades later, click-click-click the photographs of my past streaming by, landing in my pounding heart for the very first time… as I feel now what I couldn’t feel then. I was violated at 16, and then again at 22 by the same man, both moments now flashing back before me in the dead of night.

Many more photographs stream by, a picture-show telling the same story, over and over again. But none affect me in quite the same way. After the age of 22, I began speaking up. I became tough and very vocal. I often wondered why that was… now I know. My 16 and 22-year-old selves had somehow formed an alliance in the dark corners of my subconscious that let me know, “it’s not you. It’s him.”

That is when, unexpectedly, tenderly, love shined its light on the past. I love that 16-year-old. That 22-year-old. That 35-year-old. That 41-year-old. They all live in me and I love them all. I love them for braving to come out of the dark, for breaking through my resistance, my suppression, to let me know that “It’s not you. It’s not yours.”

As I embrace what travels through me during this mid night slideshow, I awaken to the profound recognition of just how beautiful and sensitive the human heart is. We’ve all been hurt. We all carry within us our own version of that 16-year-old who went into hiding, not to resurface again for decades. I can love my anger, my pain, my fear and my silence because I know I am not alone. I have my sisters and my brothers standing with me, side-by-side, feeling and healing what has been reawakened through this collective shift in our heart-consciousness.

Those of us reliving our #MeToo memories are waking up to a new reality, where we can see ourselves and our human condition with new depth, clarity and love; where accepting and loving our anger, fear, panic and silence becomes possible because this is our healing moment.

It’s 3:00 am… I can hear my spirit’s wisdom as I listen to my heart. “Your feelings are beautiful” it tells me. “It’s safe to feel now” it whispers.

And I know. In my heart, I know. This is our moment, the moment we stand together for love… and together, we heal.


©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.