Today’s soul whisper: The soul of self-isolation.


The soul of solitude


One of the challenges of this time of self-isolation is that it is easy to bypass this unique  opportunity we all have for inner-growth.

I’m specifically speaking about soul-growth.

As a human species, we are here to be human. To be present. To experience our human life through the spectrum of this earthly existence.

Yet our soul is also here, observing, accepting, and loving through its prism of infinite consciousness.

As in all else on this 3D plane, we can very quickly fall back into the comparison game. The social media game. Who is doing what during this time of self-isolation. What’s trending on the video platforms. What’s on Netflix.

As our soul observes, accepts and loves us unconditionally from its realm of vast consciousness, it waits. Patiently. Gently. Lovingly.

Will we awaken or will we remain asleep?

The inevitability of seeing our true reflections while in the confines of our homes can create an emotional discomfort unlike anything we’ve ever experienced before.

We can continue to escape through whatever is trending, or we can stop and face ourselves, face our emotions, face our deep discomforts and fears.

It’s no secret that the true prison we find ourselves in is the one within our minds and hearts. Our thoughts are still what dictates how we live through these times.

Yet, our soul is also here, patiently waiting for us to awaken to its presence and heart-promptings, as it whispers,

I am here.

I am listening.

I am observing.

I am accepting.

I am loving.

I can help.

If you pause to listen to the silence,

I will whisper your own inner wisdom to you.

I am YOU.

The unique times we are in is our unique opportunity to align ourselves with our soul, here for its own soulevolution.

This is a unique opportunity to go within and heal what we cannot escape from: ourselves.

By opening up to our soul consciousness, we can begin to navigate our human journey through out soul’s perspective.

It is up to us what we do in our self-isolation.

Will we continue to escape through what has always been, or will we pause to listen for the soul-whispers?

Will we remain asleep, or will we awaken to the heart of our soul-journey…?


©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved
Photo credit: Ray Bilcliff from


Michèle voices this blog-post on her YouTube channel: