Liebster Award!! 🌸


Thank you so much, beautiful Amira, for this wonderful award nomination!!! I am so honored that you would recognize my blog in this way.

🌸🌸🌸 I deeply appreciate it 🌸🌸🌸

Please visit Amira’s wonderful blog HERE. Amira is a lovely spirit with a beautiful soul. Her posts are full of life, love and joy. Enjoy!


About the Award:

The Liebster Award is a symbolic award given by some bloggers to others, in order to show recognition and publicize/discover new amazing blogs.


Rules of the Award:

1- Thank and link the person who nominated you.

2- Answer 11 random facts about yourself

3- Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator

4- Nominate up to 11 other bloggers who have 1000 followers or less on their blog

5- Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer

6- Let the nominees know your blog post is up


11 Random Facts about Me:

Version 2

1- I love my morning coffee (organic coffee of course ☕️)

2- I meditate every morning (before having my aforementioned coffee 😉)

3- I’m a bit of a techno geek 🤓

4- I’m a bit of a girly-girl 🌸💋

5- I definitely overuse emojies but I find myself quite unapologetic about it 🙃🤣😘

6- l am vegan but veganism is not my religion

7- I don’t feed my dog a vegan diet

8- l secretly think my dog is human (aka my “daughter”)

9- l love to make people laugh, and I love to laugh. So, I laugh a lot.

10- My heart is easily filled with joy

11- I am a natural optimist


Questions AskedJust state 15 random facts about you.

🌸 Ok so 4 more 🌸

Version 3

12- I’m a certified aromatologist (fancy word for someone who is an expert in all things having to do essential oils – including their organic chemistry)

13- I have a perfumer’s “nose” and create my own signature organic perfumes.

14- I am a synesthete (someone who experiences synesthesia).

15- My favorite book of all time is Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels


My Questions for my nominees:

The same question I received: state 15 random facts about you.

My Nominees:

For this award, I follow the rule and nominate up to 11 other bloggers who have 1000 followers or less on their blog. Please visit their wonderful blogs!


 Congratulations to the following 5 worthy nominees:







A big thank you to this wonderful blogging community. Every day you help make this blogging village one of my favorite happy places to visit, where I get to connect with beautiful soul-friends.

Thanks for stopping by for a friendly chat & a good cuppa java.

Much love,

Michèle 💖🌸

aroma beverage breakfast brown

Photo by Pixabay on



Mystery Blogger Award #2!

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I am so honored to have been nominated a second time for the Mystery Blogger Award!!

I was nominated by the lovely and talented Amira.

Amira is a beautiful soul, generous, supportive, inspiring and kind. And a fellow Canadian too! I am so grateful she’s part of my amazing blogging community. Thank you Amira for your kind nomination. It is truly an honor coming from you.

You can visit Amira’s wonderful blog here:



1. Place the logo on your blog
2. Thank who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
3. List the rules
4. Mention the creator of the prize and also provide a link
5. Tell your readers three things about yourself
6. Answer the 5 questions asked by who nominated you
7. Ask your nominees five questions that you choose; with a strange or funny question (specify)
8. Share links to your best publications
9. Nominate 10-20 people (blogs)
10. Notify the nominees by commenting on their blog


Three things about me:

One thing: I’m an avid rock climber. I love this sport because of how present I am when rock climbing. It is one of my favorite Zen-zones where all of me is fully engaged, body, mind and spirit.

Another thing: I love Jazz. If you have the Spotify app, you’ll find a cool and mellow playlist I compiled from favorite tunes I heard on Just do a search for “Michèle’s chill jazzy mix”.

A third thing: I am fluent in French (my mother tongue), English and Spanish. I used to speak Italian fluently but have since forgotten a lot of it. I can still understand it but my spoken Italian is very rusty. Hmm, perhaps it’s time for a trip to Tuscany… 😁


Amira’s questions:

  1. What do you think is the most important force in the Universe? and why?
  2. What is one of the greatest lessons you ever learned?
  3. If you could give one piece of advice to others that you learned through your life’s journey, what would that be?
  4. What helps you to overcome difficult challenges in life?
  5. If you could chose only one place that you feel at total peace, which place would that be? 


After reading Amira’s beautiful, deep and well thought out answers to her Mystery Blogger Award nomination (which you can read here), I’m inspired to answer her questions with as much honesty and integrity as I can muster.

Thank you Amira for inspiring me… aaaand here goes.


My answers:


1- What do you think is the most important force in the Universe? and why?

Wow, that is a big question… I’m not sure I can do it justice but I’ll attempt to answer it as honestly and integrally as I can.

During my childhood, I experienced 2 years of profound metaphysical events that left me forever changed… forever intimately connected to the energetic realms. Those experiences were of Source, infinity, and the infinite creative field. My view of the most important force in the universe is therefore colored by those experiences. I have a profound inner knowing of the power of this infinite force, but… is it the most important force…?

Your question is posed in a very intelligent way. What I can say is that from what I’ve experienced from both my soul vista and my human life, the force of love may be the most important force in the universe.

But love is also a choice. It may possibly be the most important choice we can make.

From my experiences, Source is neutral. It is both everything and nothing. It can be love, for love is a force, but we must choose love and focus on love to experience Source as love.

What is therefore the most important force in the universe? It may well be love.


Because love is the force through which we can ignite our co-creativity with the universe. Its vibrational frequency is such that it has the power to electrify our heart whose electromagnetic field is connected to all hearts, all worlds, all universes.

Yet… consciousness may also be the most important force in the universe because it is the only force through which we can choose love and create a loving world…

As I reflect on both my human and soul vantage points, consciousness is indeed the power that connects us all. Whether it is our infinite soul-consciousness or our limited human-consciousness, there is still only One consciousness. Source is infinite consciousness so by consciously choosing love, we create that love-force and that may be the most important force of all: the conscious act of co-creating love… with the Universe.

Your question is so multi-layered and profound… Thank you for letting its answer percolate through me by posing it. I do hope my ruminations have done your question justice.     


2- What is one of the greatest lessons you ever learned?



3- If you could give one piece of advice to others that you learned through your life’s journey, what would that be?

Love your emotions. Feel your feelings. When you catch yourself trying to avoid them or repress them, turn up the volume on them instead. See what else is there. Love what you find for coming to the surface to be seen and cleared. Own it. Be accountable for it. Know that it would not be surfacing if it was not yours. Love it for the role it plays in your journey. If you don’t love what you find, love yourself anyway. Love your humanness. Love the feeling for coming out of your subconscious to be exposed to the light.

No matter what, love yourself as you are, right now. Be willing to love your human self. As you are. Now. If you can’t find the willingness, pray to have it granted to you, and it will be granted. I’ve done this many a times when I was lost in the unwillingness of my ways and Spirit has never failed me.


4- What helps you to overcome difficult challenges in life?

My unwavering connection to the energetic realms and to Spirit.

I know I am on an evolutionary journey and every experience is here for my soul’s evolution. I know that each experience is here to empower me with choice. Every moment, I know I have the choice to either do things the way I’ve always done them or choose to shift into a more loving place.

I overcome difficulties by diving into the lesson I am meant to learn. I have faith that it is always for my highest good and for the highest good of all. This does not mean that I’ve lived a life free of hardships. No one is spared hardships. No one. But it does mean that I have the power of choice as to how I choose to deal with what happens.

From those mystical and metaphysical events in my childhood, I saw that nothing, absolutely nothing happens in this world by accident or mistake. I have an inner knowing that by embracing the difficulties, by being accountable, I am the better for it. And my soul sings at my power to co-create a different reality through embracing and loving what is.     


5- If you could choose only one place that you feel at total peace, which place would that be?  

There’s only one place I can choose to feel total peace, and that is inside myself, here, now. Every moment I can choose to make that place here and now.

If I don’t feel peace, I work on what my soul is trying to tell me through whatever experience I am going through that I am not at peace with. I work through what is in the way of it and bring that place of total peace into my heart.

Accepting what is, loving myself no matter what, that is my place of total peace.

I’ve tried the geographical cures and they don’t work.

Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.

(From the film ‘The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai’)


Links to my best publications:

Friday’s Heart Whisper… the strange pull of what we love ❤️

Thursday’s Heart Whisper… what is your soul whispering?

Organic perfumery: My Sexiest Essential Oil Picks for DIY Organic Perfumes!


My 11 nominees:



My 5 questions for my nominees:

1- What opens your heart?

2- What are you deeply passionate about or what sets your soul on fire?

3- Are you sometimes scared or hesitant or feeling extra vulnerable when you post something?

4- What kind of music do you love?

5- Strange or funny question: if you were a dog, what kind of dog would you be? 🐶


If you’ve taken the time to read my answers, bless you! Thank you for being part of my blogging community. I appreciate every single on of you!!

Sending you love and light as we walk on this soul journey together.

Michèle 💖xo



What is the “Mystery Blogger Award”? :

“The Mystery Blogger Award is an award for unique bloggers with witty messages. The blog not only captivates but inspires and motivates. They are one of the best bloggers that exist, and they deserve all the recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who have fun and inspire in blogs; and they do it with love and passion.”

Creator:  Okoto Enigma

The prize is called ‘Mystery Blogger Award’ because the meaning of ‘Enigma’ is ‘mystery’, so it bears the name of its creator. In addition, it is a very appropriate name because there are many blogs that are still a mystery for all of us and when we know them, they result in being extraordinary.


Blogger Recognition Award #2!



I am so honored and humbled to have received my 2nd Blogger Recognition Award nomination. I was nominated by a wonderfully diverse blogger, Didi, whose blog is full of creativity, depth, wisdom, spirituality and love. I am very touched!

Please do visit Didi’s blog here!

I hadn’t realized that I received this nomination from Didi at the same time as the one from Amira. The message had inadvertently gone to my spam folder, glad I caught it!! Given that they arrived at the same time, I will add this one onto the previous one if you’ll permit me to do that.

I will add one more nominee to the list because one of my nominees advised me that her blog was award-free. I try my best to check before sending out my nominations but I missed that one! Oops!!

You can view my answers and nominations on my awards page.

Thank you again for everyone’s support and love. This blogging community touches my heart and soul in a very special way. You show me the goodness and beauty of people, everyday. Your words, thoughts and authenticity inspire me to be and do better. I aspire to live up to the recognition I’ve received.

Thank  you, thank you, thank you!!!

🦋 I feel our oneness 🦋

– Michèle 🦋🌸



The Blogger Recognition Award!

blogger recognition award logo

I’m very honored to be nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award by Amira!

Thank you so much Amira for this lovely and joyous surprise!

Do check out her blog: Body and Soul Nourishment. You’ll find posts that are uplifting and thought-provoking, and re-blogs that are always well-chosen.

Please click on this link or my ‘Awards‘ page for further details on this award, such as my comments about my blogging experience and my list of nominees.

Thank you again! Much Love!!

Michèle 💖xo