🌸My 3 Favorite Essential Oils for Meditation🌸


Having more than 30 years’ experience with meditation, I’ve had the pleasure of trying many different methods as well as different essential oils that could enhance my timeless/space-less connection to a higher consciousness. As an aromatologist, I often explore the more esoteric side of essential oils and I’ve noticed that some oils have definite enhancement effects during my meditation, albeit at the more subtle energetic levels.


white and purple flower plant on brown wooden surface

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


Here are my top 3 pics for amazing essential oils to use during meditation,  and why!


1- Frankincense:

(To be used in a diffuser)

Frankincense allows the ego-self and transpersonal-self to work together, which helps free us from attachments. It also cleans the auric and psychic planes.

I know that my meditations are always enhanced, deeper, when I use Frankincense in my diffuser.

On the physical level, Frankincense has the ability to slow down and deepen our breathing, helping us breathe more slowly and deeply, which in turn brings a feeling of calm and centeredness to our meditation.

I remember a particularly strange event that lasted days in my house… For days my whole house was infused with a strong scent of frankincense… and I could not find its source. I could feel a very high frequency energy within my house during that time. And then it just went away. But it did leave me with a sense of that magical connection that is always there between our 3-D world and the energetic realms.


2- Rose Otto:

(To be rubbed onto the heart chakra)

Rose otto opens the heart chakra. It instills compassion and forgiveness, and brings in love energy as it vibrates with the energy of universal love. It is also a powerful healer of emotional wounds.

From my personal experience, something very moving always happens when I meditate with rose otto essential oil on my heart chakra.

I’ve also experienced the scent of roses out of the blue without having any roses in the room. I know it was my angels saying hello from the energetic realms!


3- Lemon:

(To be used in a diffuser)

Lemon enhances spiritual and psychic awareness while also increasing the connection between our soul and Spirit. For me this translates into a feeling of lightness and expansion during my meditations.

Lemon essential oil also enhances our focus, clears our thoughts and helps us to better concentrate. This makes it a wonderful oil to use during our visualizations and our co-creative practice.


This 3-D world is much closer to the energetic realms than we can even imagine… sometimes the veil is lifted through the magical world of scents! 🌺


close up of a defocused