Indie Blu(e) Publishing Announces the Release of We Will Not Be Silenced

I am so honored and humbled to be a part of this incredible project. An essay I penned on my experiences during my modeling days is being published in this anthology. So proud to be one voice among the many who will not be silenced.

From Indie Blu(e) Publishing in the US.

Please consider making a purchase: From the editors “70% of the royalties raised above the publishing and promotion costs will be donated to organizations that provide services to sexual harassment and sexual assault survivors.”

Purchasing links: Amazon CanadaAmazon US
(I will officially be a published writer!!! 💖💕🤗 Dreams do come true!!!)
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We Will Not Be Silenced: The Lived Experience of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Told Powerfully Through Poetry, Prose, Essay, and Art is the brainchild of Kindra M. Austin, Candice Louisa Daquin, Rachel Finch, and Christine E. Ray. The four indie writers and survivors felt compelled to do something after the strongly triggering Kavanaugh Confirmation […]

via Indie Blu(e) Publishing Announces the Release of We Will Not Be Silenced — INDIE BLU(E)

Liebster Award!! 🌸


Thank you so much, beautiful Amira, for this wonderful award nomination!!! I am so honored that you would recognize my blog in this way.

🌸🌸🌸 I deeply appreciate it 🌸🌸🌸

Please visit Amira’s wonderful blog HERE. Amira is a lovely spirit with a beautiful soul. Her posts are full of life, love and joy. Enjoy!


About the Award:

The Liebster Award is a symbolic award given by some bloggers to others, in order to show recognition and publicize/discover new amazing blogs.


Rules of the Award:

1- Thank and link the person who nominated you.

2- Answer 11 random facts about yourself

3- Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator

4- Nominate up to 11 other bloggers who have 1000 followers or less on their blog

5- Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer

6- Let the nominees know your blog post is up


11 Random Facts about Me:

Version 2

1- I love my morning coffee (organic coffee of course ☕️)

2- I meditate every morning (before having my aforementioned coffee 😉)

3- I’m a bit of a techno geek 🤓

4- I’m a bit of a girly-girl 🌸💋

5- I definitely overuse emojies but I find myself quite unapologetic about it 🙃🤣😘

6- l am vegan but veganism is not my religion

7- I don’t feed my dog a vegan diet

8- l secretly think my dog is human (aka my “daughter”)

9- l love to make people laugh, and I love to laugh. So, I laugh a lot.

10- My heart is easily filled with joy

11- I am a natural optimist


Questions AskedJust state 15 random facts about you.

🌸 Ok so 4 more 🌸

Version 3

12- I’m a certified aromatologist (fancy word for someone who is an expert in all things having to do essential oils – including their organic chemistry)

13- I have a perfumer’s “nose” and create my own signature organic perfumes.

14- I am a synesthete (someone who experiences synesthesia).

15- My favorite book of all time is Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels


My Questions for my nominees:

The same question I received: state 15 random facts about you.

My Nominees:

For this award, I follow the rule and nominate up to 11 other bloggers who have 1000 followers or less on their blog. Please visit their wonderful blogs!


 Congratulations to the following 5 worthy nominees:







A big thank you to this wonderful blogging community. Every day you help make this blogging village one of my favorite happy places to visit, where I get to connect with beautiful soul-friends.

Thanks for stopping by for a friendly chat & a good cuppa java.

Much love,

Michèle 💖🌸

aroma beverage breakfast brown

Photo by Pixabay on



Friday’s Heart Whisper… the strange pull of what we love ❤️

brown and green grass field during sunset

Photo by Jonathan Petersson on

Today’s Heart Whisper:

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love.

– Rumi


(The following is a short excerpt adapted from my yet-to-be-published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.)


           Letting ourselves be silently drawn by the strange pull of what we really love means allowing ourselves to love what we love. This may seem self-evident, but more often than not we don’t allow ourselves to accept what we really love because it is outside the norm of what our programming says we ‘should’ be doing. It is a complex inner struggle between what has always been and what has yet to be. It feels self-indulgent or selfish. We can’t imagine letting ourselves indulge in what we really love because of our subconscious belief that we don’t deserve to be doing what we love, experiencing joy without limits. That it can’t be that simple.

            Yet living a life we don’t love, doing what causes displeasure, or being in a toxic environment has consequences.

            The truth is, everything has consequences: the consequence is the life we are living.


– Michèle ❤️🦋

©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.




Tuesday’s Heart Whisper… Where does kindness come from?

girl s white and gray crew neck top holding gray wire fence

Photo by namo deet on

Do not confuse kindness with niceness.

Niceness comes from playing by the rules and hiding behind the expected.

Kindness comes from the depths of a wise and compassionate soul, no matter the rules or expectations.

Given the choice, I choose kindness.

– Michèle ❤️



Friday’s Heart Whisper: Ho-oponopono…

stack of love wooden blocks

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Today’s Heart Whisper:

(The following is a short excerpt adapted from my yet-to-be-published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.)

     Ho’Oponopono is a beautiful Hawaiian prayer recited for miraculous healing. The prayer was originally taught by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a beloved healer who was designated ‘a living treasure of Hawaii’ in 1983.

     Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a staff psychologist at Hawaii State Hospital and a long- time student of Morrnah Simeona, practiced this prayer on patients at a high-security housing unit for the male criminally insane to miraculous results. He gained notoriety due to the strong documentation he had to back up the cases of patients who were healed. When asked how he had healed so many patients, he replied:

     “I didn’t heal them. I healed the part of myself that created them.

     Although a simple prayer, its effects are extraordinary. I use it often, and I never stop being amazed by its power to heal any situation by bringing me into my heart.


     The Ho’oponopono prayer:

     I love you

     I’m sorry

     Please forgive me

     Thank you


     This prayer creates a beautiful opening for love. With the words I love you, the anger and fear that have built walls around our heart can begin to dissipate. But what this prayer also does is speak to the part of us that is taking responsibility for manifesting what it is we are trying to heal.

     This goes to the core of our co-creative process. If everything, absolutely everything in our lives is a true reflection of what we are creating, then saying I love you and asking for forgiveness while also acknowledging our gratitude for having been forgiven or for becoming aware of what lives in us, this will heal that part of ourselves that created this. And by loving the other… we love ourselves.

     This is the power of love.

     Anytime I feel a need for protection, or whenever I catch myself projecting my judgments onto others, I say this prayer. No one can be expected to be perfect but this prayer can move us into the realm of love, healing and forgiveness no matter what imperfections or character defects are brought to light.

     Practice saying this prayer for a single day, and you will be amazed with the results. 

– Michèle 🌺


(Excerpted/adapted from my yet to be published book)

©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved)


Tuesday’s Heart-Whisper… an intuitive whisper…

women s white top and orange floral skirt

Photo by Samuel Silitonga on

Today’s Heart Whisper:

                Intuition is always whispering its soft loving guidance and wisdom with magnificent clarity and simplicity. Always. It is ever here, patiently waiting for our attention, for our focus. It does not scream, it does not argue, and never wishes to intrude. It is most respectful of our attention, even if our choice is to focus elsewhere.

                It knows that heart-whispers can only be accessed within the stillness of a soulful moment. And it knows that soulful moments cannot be forced. It knows the soul is gently awakened to its whispers through a sincere and conscious desire: through human freewill and effort.

                And so it waits, ready to deliver its message, in full acceptance of our human choice to pay attention …or not.

– Michèle 🦋

(Excerpted from my yet to be published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved)