

Thank you so much, beautiful Amira, for this wonderful award nomination!!! I am so honored that you would recognize my blog in this way.

🌸🌸🌸 I deeply appreciate it 🌸🌸🌸

To view the full post with all this award’s details, please visit the original post HERE.

A big thank you to this wonderful blogging community. Every day you help make this blogging village one of my favorite happy places to visit, where I get to connect with beautiful soul-friends.

Thanks for stopping by for a friendly chat & a good cuppa java.

Much love,

Michèle 💖🌸

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I am so honored to have been nominated a second time for the Mystery Blogger Award!

I was nominated by the lovely and talented Amira.

Amira is a beautiful soul, generous, supportive, inspiring and kind. And a fellow Canadian too! I am so grateful she’s part of my amazing blogging community. Thank you Amira for your kind nomination. It is truly an honor coming from you.

You can visit Amira’s wonderful blog here:

Please click on this link  for further details on this award, such as my answers to Amira’s deeply probing questions and my list of nominees.

Thank you all for your incredible support and encouragement!

Much Love & light!!

Michèle 💖xo




I am so honored and humbled to have received my 2nd Blogger Recognition Award nomination. I was nominated by a wonderfully diverse blogger, Didi, whose blog is full of creativity, depth, wisdom, spirituality and love. I am very touched!

Please do visit Didi’s blog here!

I hadn’t realized that I received this nomination from Didi at the same time as the one from Amira. The message had inadvertently gone to my spam folder, glad I caught it!! Given that they arrived at the same time, I will add this one onto the previous one if you’ll permit me to do that.

I will add one more nominee to the list because one of my nominees advised me that her blog was award-free. I try my best to check before sending out my nominations but I missed that one! Oops!!

My added nominee is Manessah B. because her writing is beautifully raw and honest, and her blog is a wonderful place to visit!

You can view my answers and nominations further below.

Thank you again for everyone’s support and love. This blogging community touches my heart and soul in a very special way. You show me the goodness and beauty of people, everyday. Your words, thoughts and authenticity inspire me to be and do better. I aspire to live up to the recognition I’ve received.

Thank  you, thank you, thank you!!!

🦋 I feel our oneness 🦋

– Michèle 🦋🌸


blogger recognition award logo

Thank you so much Amira for this incredible and lovely surprise! I am very honored to receive your nomination!!

I was nominated by Amira through her wonderful blog, Body and Soul Nourishment. I love visiting Amira’s blog. Her posts are uplifting and thought-provoking. Her re-blogs are also well-chosen, blogs I usually end up following! Do check out her blog, you’ll be glad you did 😊


The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5. Select 15 other bloggers for this award.
6. Comment on each blog to let them know you’ve nominated them and a link to the post you created


How my blog started:

I was looking for a blogging platform that had a good reputation. I wanted to blog about organics, natural healing remedies and essential oils as a way to promote the organic skincare company that I had created at the time. One of my interns highly recommended WordPress. I checked it out and was very impressed by the quality of the blogs and the massive popularity of this platform.

I was shocked when my second post went viral with over 360,000 views to date (Organic perfumery: My sexiest Essential Oil Picks for DIY Perfumes!).

But it wasn’t until I dissolved the company and wrote a book that my love of blogging really took flight. When I am blogging I am in deep resonance with my true passion, that of connecting with other journeying souls.

 I have found immeasurable creativity, inspiration and humanity here, and my heart bursts open with every blog-post that touches it.


Two pieces of advice to new bloggers:

Open your heart and share what you find. It is through connecting with the deepest part of ourselves that we truly connect with another. Believe in yourself and your own unique vantage point and you’ll be amazed at how others appreciate YOU!

Connect, connect, connect. Read others’ posts, ‘like’ what you like, share your thoughts, impressions, and reflections, and follow the blogs that speak to you. Build your blogging village one true connection at a time.


I chose to nominate the following bloggers because each touches some part of my heart & soul. They inspire me and I always look forward to reading their posts.

My 15 nominees for the Blogger Recognition Award are:

1- Love Guidance Daily

2- Zen Flash

3- Morag

4- Good Times Stories

5- An Enchanted Place

6- Chandra Lynn

7- WAEL’s World

8- Sparkkling Thoughts

9- Word Fandom

10- Daniel Gluska

11- Becoming and Beholding

12- Talkin’ to Myself

13- Life, More Than Existence!

14- Bobbi’s Blog

15- Guidelines Web


Wishing everyone in this wonderful community a thrilling writing & blogging journey.

Much love,

Michèle 🦋✨





I am so touched to be nominated for The Mystery Blogger Award.  Manessah B totally surprised me with her kind nomination. I love her blog and always look forward to her latest posts.

Check her out here, she’s an awesome blogger!


I wanted to find out more about this award so I went digging around wordpress and I found this…. um wow… I am sooooo humbled!

What is the Mystery Blogger Award?

“’Mystery Blogger Award’ is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.”
Okoto Enigma


The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Answer the questions from the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.



Here are Manessah B’s questions for me:


1- What motivated you to start blogging?

I had created a company that sold organic skincare products and I wanted to connect with others that were as passionate as I am about organics and health.

I started blogging about how to read labels, how to make organic perfumes and about essential oils in general.

I was shocked when my post on DIY organic perfumes went viral, with over 360,000 views to date. I wasn’t into blogging all that much. It was more of a ‘marketing tool’ for my company. I blogged mostly to answer ‘how to’ questions.

But I also feel a need to add a bit of an explanation as to where I’m at today…

I dissolved the company since then because my soul felt unfulfilled, wanting to fulfill what I came here to do, which is to help others with the awakening process, and with how to love and accept this human journey as is, flaws and all.

So, I wrote a book and refocussed my blogging efforts towards connecting with other journeying souls, and I must say, my soul is whistling a happier tune these days. 😊


2- What kind of blogs draw your attention (i.e. poetry blogs, blogs that post inspirational quotes, blogs on cooking, etc.)?

I am drawn to blogs that offer encouragement, love, inspiration, connection to our humanity, and also those that write about our connection to the energetic realms. I love reading blog-posts from souls on an awakening journey. And I love blogs from writers. Artists. Poets. I am deeply drawn to blogs that touch my heart and soul through their writing.


3- If you were a super villain, what would your name be and what would be your super power?

Lol, I’m sorry but I don’t know how to answer that question… I’m stumped 🙃


4- If you could travel back in time and give your younger self some advice, what would it be?

“One day, it will all make sense. And in the meantime, keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing great even if it all seems very confusing at times.”


5- What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Connecting with amazing people from all over the world! Planet WordPress is a beautiful and kind place where I like to pause and visit for a while 💖


My questions for each of the bloggers I nominate:

1- What is the most moving part of blogging for you?

2- Where do you draw your inspiration from for your blog posts?

3- Why did you choose WordPress as your blogging platform?

4- What has surprised you most about blogging?

5- How has blogging enhanced your life?


I always look forward to the following bloggers’ posts. Their writing opens my heart in some way, touches my soul. There’s something special about each one. They each have that extra ‘something’ that moves me and connects me to them.

My nominees are:



Didis Art Design

Megha’s World

The Suburban Light Worker



Thank you again Manessah B for this lovely and unexpected nomination! I always look forward to your posts and enjoy your writing very much.

Wishing you continued success on your writing journey!

Michèle  💖xo