Thursday’s Heart Whisper… what is your soul whispering?

person on a bridge near a lake

Photo by Simon Migaj on

There is a reason for your being. A mission that you came here to accomplish. … Your mission always involves the things you love.”

– Joseph Campbell


(The following is an excerpt adapted from my yet-to-be-published book ©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.)


The road to get there, here, living our soul-mission, is not an easy one. It involves great commitment, intention, authenticity and integrity. But when it happens, when we are living our passions and our loves, the soul lets us know through an inner serenity, no matter what currents swirl around us.

It is a practice, an allowing, a discovery, a blossoming.

It cannot happen without our full participation and willingness. We cannot live our passion and love without first making the conscious decision and choice to do so. We are responsible for our own happiness and for bringing together all the elements necessary to make it happen.


How do we know we are living our soul-mission?

Our soul lets us know through its inner whispers.


• Our soul lets us know we’ve found our soul-mission by how it comes to life in our body, heart, mind and spirit. Our energetic states begin to vibrate with soul-clarity, where our perceptions are malleable, changeable through the higher frequencies of love, kindness, understanding and compassion.

• Our soul lets us know we are living our soul-mission by how courageous we are, by how willing we are to set strong boundaries that no longer let through the distractors, the toxic invaders, the old destructive habits, the excuses, the blaming or the shaming.

• Our soul lets us know by how empowered we feel to work our way through the ups and downs so that we can emerge on the other side of pain.

• Our soul lets us know by how our faith is tested at every turn, as we remain steadfast in our resolve to heal, change, face the truth of who we are, and believe in ourselves again.

• And our soul lets us know by how connected we feel to others, how we feel a part of our community, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to ask for help when that is what is needed, and being there for others without depleting ourselves through co-dependency, people-pleasing or enabling.


By allowing ourselves to live moments of passion and love, by identifying those moments when our soul is revealing to us that “this is it”, by having the courage to walk our authentic path, and by having the strength to keep going when our faith is wavering, finding solace in our oneness with others, we suddenly find ourselves waking up to our soul-mission, feeling the love and peace we searched for all of our lives.

So… what is your soul whispering?


Wishing you strength, courage and light on your awakening journey.

– Michèle 💖🌟

©Michèle Duquet, all rights reserved.


Here is a photo of the day I received my Bioenergy practitioner certification, something that could never have happened without listening to my soul’s inner whispers.

Version 2




49 thoughts on “Thursday’s Heart Whisper… what is your soul whispering?

  1. I absolutely love this! I was just talking to my family the other day about how I feel like, for the first time in my life, I am doing what I am meant to do and how much happiness and peace I have from it. Like it’s my purpose unfolding. This post is like a confirmation that I am on the right path. ☺️ Congratulations on your wonderful achievement, Michele! I wish you many more successes! 😃👏

    • I love hearing how you feel about what you’re doing!! That is so wonderful. I love how you are living your passion and sharing your journey through your poetry and blog. It warms my heart to know my post could be of use to you as a confirmation! Love that!! Thank you for sharing that and for reading my post. Sending blessings your way! 💖💖

    • You are so sweet!!! When the time is close, I will be out with bells and whistles alerting the media lol. Until then, I hope to keep inspiring fellow journeying souls with excerpts and highlights. Thank you so much for your interest! It means the world to me! 💖💖💖💖💖

  2. Hello Michèle,
    This is a beautifully expressed post and I can so very much resonate with it.
    I can feel my soul whispering and yes, when you find something, or believe in what you are doing, there is a quiet confidence and acceptance that perhaps we are not for everyone but we happily follow our truth in the face of it.

    Your book sounds lovely,
    Best wishes,
    Dianne 💐💞

    • Hello Diane,
      Thank you for your beautiful and thoughtful words. I cherish your feedback and am grateful for the resonance you feel. It always touches my heart when others share their similar experiences. Thank you!! And thank you for your good wishes regarding my book. Much appreciated. Many blessings to you.
      Michèle 💖🌸

  3. “Our soul lets us know by how our faith is tested at every turn, as we remain steadfast in our resolve to heal, change, face the truth of who we are, and believe in ourselves again.”

    I can totally relate to this.
    It is my soul’s whisper.

    All the best for your upcoming book. Congrats on your bioenergy practitioner certificate!!

    I am curious to know about bioenergy practitioner. This is the first time I am hearing about it.
    I am practicing reiki. I have finished 2nd level reiki.
    So I am very much interested in knowing about this.
    And thanks for following my blog and liking my posts. I so appreciate it 🙏

    • Thank you so much!! Congratulations on your level 2 Reiki, that is amazing! I created a page about my Bioenergy Therapy practice that may answer some of your questions about it, you can find it here:


      There is also a documentary I’ve linked at the bottom of the page that is very informative.
      Thank you for your comments and support, it is deeply appreciated!! 💖🌸

  4. Congratulations on listening to and following your soul’s inner whispers! Your forthcoming book sounds delightful, wish you every success with that too. Thank you for reminding us of the joy of following our unique paths. Love and light 🙏🏻

  5. Pingback: Mystery Blogger Award #2! – Michèle's Blog

  6. Joseph Campbell was an interesting man — the rare person who combines atheism with a mystical bent. It may be, as he thought, that we can get in touch with ourselves through our dreams and myths.

      • I think you’re right about that. I heard he somehow had it figured that each organ of our body expressed itself in our subconscious mind in a way we often took to be gods.

        I didn’t know that, even though I’d read quite a bit of him. But a woman who’d taken a seminar in his thought told me that. I’ve no reason to disbelieve her.

        I’ve never come across anyone who could unpack an image or symbol better than him, have you?

      • I love his way of thinking. Interestingly, I was reading about Nietzsche, how there is some discussion as to whether he was an atheist or a pantheist. Maybe Campbell’s beliefs weren’t so well defined either.

    • Thank you so much!! Thanks for pausing here to read my writings and showing your appreciation through liking and commenting. Your visit & support is deeply appreciated! 💖🌸

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